Acne Treatments

If you have tried and failed acne control before, we are here to help!

Our goal is to give you the tools you need to achieve reliably clear skin every day for the rest of your life. Our treatments are based on the teachings and acne-clearing techniques of dermatologist Dr. James Fulton and world-renowned acne expert Laura Cooksey, from Face Reality Acne Clinic in California.

What you can expect

  • To clear adult acne, teen acne and cystic acne in about 3 months

  • Understand what aggravates your acne and how to manage it.

  • Clean pores thanks to gentle extractions and mandelic peels

  • Even skin tone, less redness, less pigmentation

  • Smoothing of acne scars

  • Simple and affordable home regimen

anti-acne treatment peel and facial with Face Reality products

Our estheticians will help you with a program that will work for YOU.

Acne consultation

We always start with an acne consultation, listening to your history, reviewing factors that make you break out – foods, sports, cosmetics etc…

Customized to your skin

We gradually induce peeling and pore clean up without irritating or dehydrating your skin.
We combine Benzoyl peroxide gels, mandelic serums, vitamin A serums and adjust your home regimen every 2 weeks so your skin does not get used to the products and continues to clear up


You receive a brochure with all the info and  clear instructions for your home-care regimen with a detailed calendar to follow.
Because it takes 90 days for pimples to form, you should be clearing within 3 months.


We start with a gentle facial with extractions then follow with mandelic peels. expect to come every other week to start then monthly.

Why are we different?

Simply said, we coach you through the program and help you understand how you can manage your skin to have lasting results.

Often, our clients are prescribed antibiotics, Retin A, or Accutane by their dermatologist. These drugs will help for a while, as they reduce inflammation and shrink the oil-producing gland, but unfortunately, they do not address the root cause of acne:


You now understand that these drugs can only temporarily solve the problem but as soon as you stop acne will come back.

In the meantime, the skin is severely dried out, irritated, sensitized, and shows permanent redness. On top of that, your intestinal flora (the good bacteria that help us digest) is damaged.

Sometimes our clients have attempted Proactive type products and are still breaking out, these acne regimens are often too aggressive, and by over-drying the skin they confuse the body which in turn, compensates the dryness by producing more oils. Since the skin is dehydrated and very tight, these oils get trapped under the skin and after a few months of clear skin, the skin breaks out again!

Our system is not a cookie-cutter program, it is adapted to your skin, its sensitivity, its ethnicity, and your lifestyle.